Week 28, One Year Bible Challenge: “Shipwrecked”

Christ the Rock Community Church, Saturday Morning Men’s Bible Study

This week’s reading July 9-151
1 Chronicles 7:1 – 21:30
Acts 27:1 – Romans 3:8
Psalm 7:1 – 11:7
Proverbs 18:22 – 19:12

Next Week’s Reading July 16-22
1 Chronicles 22:1 – 2 Chronicles 8:10
Romans 3:9 – 8:8
Psalm 12:1 – 18:15
Proverbs 19:13 – 25

Pauls shipwreck
Shipwreck of St. Paul, a fresco is by Nicolò Circignani, known as Pomarancio.

Discussion Questions:
Old Testament

  1. Why did Uzzah get the death penalty by God for putting out his hand to steady the Ark? Wasn’t it a good thing to prevent the Ark from tipping into the dirt? 1 Chronicles 13:9-10
  2. 2 Chronicles apparently mentions the same time as when David commits adultery with Bathsheba. Why is the story omitted in this Book of the Bible? Chronicles 20:1; 2 Samuel 11:1-5.

New Testament

  1. What is the significance of Paul’s Shipwreck? Acts 27.
  2. In Romans, Paul denounces certain sins in very strong terms. Is this just Paul’s opinion, and is it merely a product of his times? Romans 1:26-32.


  1. If you are participating in the Saturday morning class, “The One Year Bible Challenge,” you should read the daily materials as set out in The One Year Bible.” The verses listed on this page will include a couple of extra days each week.

Week 27, One Year Bible Challenge: “Prisoner”

Christ the Rock Community Church, Saturday Morning Men’s Bible Study

This week’s reading July 2-81
2 Kings 20:1 – 1 Chronicles 6:81
Acts 21:18 – 26:32
Psalm 150:1 – 6:10 * Psalm readings repeat at this point
Proverbs 18:9-21

Next Week’s Reading July 9-15
1 Chronicles 7:1 – 21:30
Acts 27:1 – Romans 3:8
Psalm 7:1 – 11:7
Proverbs 18:22 – 19:12

By the Waters of Babylon
By the Waters of Babylon (1883), by Evelyn De Morgan

Discussion Questions:2
Old Testament
How was it possible that Judah had become so far removed from God by the time of Josiah. Why was Josiah so determined to comply with God’s law? 2 Kings 23:21-25
New Testament
Why did Paul bring up the matter of the resurrection of the dead in Acts 23:6-10


  1. If you are participating in the Saturday morning class, “The One Year Bible Challenge,” you should read the daily materials as set out in The One Year Bible.” The verses listed on this page will include a couple of extra days each week.
  2. Discussion notes are online
