Christ the Rock Community Church, Saturday Morning Men’s Bible Study
This week’s reading November 12-181
Ezekiel 24:1 to 38:23
Hebrews 11:1 to James 2:17
Psalm 110:1 to 117:2
Proverbs 27:14 to 28:1
Next Week’s Reading November 19-25
Ezekiel 24:1 to 38:23
Hebrews 11:1 to James 2:17
Psalm 110:1 to 117:2
Proverbs 27:14 to 28:1
Discussion Questions:
Old Testament
- God said he would destroy Egypt because it was proud and arrogant. Ezekiel 31:10-15. Is pride and arrogance really that bad in the modern world? Why or why not?
- In Ezekiel 33:20, God says, “I will judge every one of you after his ways.” Is this standard different than what is expressed in Ephesians 2:8-9?
- God told Ezekiel the people would listen to his words with no intention of doing what he said. What was the motive of the people? Were they just wasting their time? Read Ezekiel 33:30-33
New Testament
- Is it possible to please God without having faith in him? Hebrews 11:6. Does this mean an unbeliever can never please God, even if the non-believer is otherwise a good person?
- Hebrews 12:6 says God loves those who he disciplines. Does this mean God disciplines every believer; or only those who deserve discipline?
- James 1:14 says, “But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away and enticed by his own lust.”1 Has it been your experience that your temptation come from your own lust; or does temptation seem to just “come out of nowhere.”
- If you are participating in the Saturday morning class, “The One Year Bible Challenge,” you should read the daily materials as set out in “The One Year Bible.” The verses listed on this page will include a couple of extra days each week. ↩