Christ the Rock Community Church, Saturday Morning Men’s Bible Study
This week’s reading January 1-71
Matthew 1:1-6:24
Psalm 1:1-7:17
Proverbs 1:1-2:5
Next Week’s Reading January 8-14
Genesis 18:16-31:16
Matthew 6:25-10:23
Psalm 8:1-12:8
Proverbs 2:6-13:15
Adam, Creation, Eve, Genesis, Jesus, Satan, wise men
Discussion Questions:
Old Testament
- What was the sin(s) that Adam and Eve committed?
- God gave man “Dominion” in Genesis, ch. 1. Does “Dominion” include the right to use animals for food?
- How are we to “subdue” the earth (Gen. 1:28)? God gave mankind dominion BEFORE they were expelled from the Garden of Eden. Was dominion taken from mankind AFTER the fall?
New Testament
- When the Devil offered to give Jesus “all the kingdoms of the world, and their glory,” was he bluffing? That is, did the Devil have the power to deliver such a gift? Matthew 4:8-9
- The Devil likes to quote scripture. How accurate is the Devil? See Matthew 4: 1-7
- If you are participating in the Saturday morning class, “The One Year Bible Challenge,” you should read the daily materials as set out in “The One Year Bible.” The verses listed on this page will include a couple of extra days each week. ↩