Top 20 movies of all time (forget what the EXPERTS say)!

This is CLEARLY a case of the readers of this blOg (K_Line Christian Online) having better taste in cinema than the “so-called” experts. The following are selected results from an ongoing survey as to the best movies of all time. If you’ve watched a film or two in your day and want to weigh in on this survey, go to the survey on www-K-Line.ORG.

Top Twenty (20) Movies of All Time:1

  1. 28 WEEKS LATER, 2007* (64%)
  2. DAY OF THE DEAD, 1985* (57%)
  3. DAWN OF THE DEAD, 1978* (57%)
  4. RE-ANIMATOR, 1985* (57%)
  5. BRAVE HEART, 1995* (50%)
  6. DAWN OF THE DEAD (remake), 2004* (50%)
  7. 28 DAYS LATER, 2002* (50%)
  8. NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD, 1968* (43%)
  9. PULP FICTION, 1994* (43%)
  10. DEATH PROOF, 2007* (43%)
  11. WE WERE SOLDIERS, 2002* (36%s)
  12. RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD, 1985* (36%)
  13. Any of the HARRY POTTER/HOBBIT/LORD OF THE RINGS, or movies with the word “PRINCESS” in the title, mostly made after 2000* (29%)
  14. SHAUN OF THE DEAD, 2004* (21%)
  15. SNAKES ON A PLANE. 2006* (21%s)
  16. [ANOTHER MOVIE, not listed here] (21%)
  17. MAD MAX, 1979* (14%)
  18. THE GRADUATE, 1967 (7%)
  19. FLIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD, 2007* (7%)
  20. SINGIN’ IN THE RAIN, 1952 (7%)


  1. Top 20 movies of all time, according to an ongoing survey at K-Line.ORG. Respondents were asked to vote for their top 10 movies of all time, in no particular order. The percentages listed shown are the frequency each film was ranked as one of the top ten.

Top grossing actor of all time: Still Samuel L. Jackson!

Samuel L. Jackson
Samuel L. Jackson in Pulp Fiction
Apparently, there was some controversy surrounding my comments in the K_Line survey about your top ten films. I said that Samuel L. Jackson was the top grossing actor of all time, and I stand by that remark. And frankly, aside from the near constant stream of profanity in many of his movies, I have to agree he is a pretty talented actor.

The top ten grossing actors of all time are:

10. Robin Williams
9. Will Smith
8. Morgan Freeman Continue reading “Top grossing actor of all time: Still Samuel L. Jackson!”

Why do zombie themes and horror films have space on a Christian website like K_Line Christian Online?

The Exorcism of Emily Rose
The Exorcism of Emily Rose
I love zombie movies. The genre is about good vs. evil. Usually the match is more aptly described as partly and imperfectly good vs. pure evil. Scott Derrickson, co-writer and director of the popular horror film, The Exorcism of Emily Rose, explained how a Christian can be involved in horror movies in a 2005 article in Christianity Today:

Continue reading “Why do zombie themes and horror films have space on a Christian website like K_Line Christian Online?”
