(Davie, Florida)
In about the year 1418 AD, a humble monk named Thomas à Kempis wrote a book called, The Imitation of Christ. In the 600 years since then, that book has been the second most widely read religious book in the world – second only to the Bible.
Every week the discussion questions for the Davie Christian Mens’ Breakfast are posted on this blOg. Tom Truex and the Saturday morning Bible study group are finishing a one year study of Thomas à Kempis’ The Imitation of Christ. All of the study notes, including the complete text of The Imitation of Christ, are arranged in a study guide and daily devotional, and renamed, Imitate Christ. It is now available, in print and ebook version. Follow the link at ImitateChrist.ORG.
Imitate Christ is a daily devotional, including the complete text of The Imitation of Christ by Thomas à Kempis, and many selections drawn from his lessor known writings, such as Instructions for Religious; Moments with the Consoling Christ; Prayers and Meditations; and “The Little Kempis.”
Special features ONLY in this edition:
- Complete text of Bible references.
- Commentary–helps in personal devotion and group study.
- Comprehensive text and heavily annotated—578 pages and over 1150 references and footnotes
- Expanded index–useful in selecting a devotion for a particular topic or Bible verse
- Weekly summaries and reviews
- Large, easy to read print
- FREE additional resources and information at ImitateChrist.ORG
If you’ve never heard of or read The Imitation of Christ, don’t feel bad. The book has fallen out of favor in recent years because the values it promotes are on the decline as well: honor, humility, sacrifice, and service to others (to name just a few).