Christ the Rock Community Church, Saturday Morning Men’s Group
- Men’s Bible Study meets every Saturday Morning at Christ the Rock Community Church
- 8am to 10am every Saturday morning
- 11000 Stirling Road, Cooper City, FL 33328
- For More information, contact Tom Truex @ the church office, 954.680.777p
Next Week’s Reading (January 15-21)
Genesis 44:1-Exodus 7:25
Matthew 14:13-19:12
Psalm 18:37-23:6
Proverbs 4:11-5:23
Next Week’s Reading (January 15-21)
Exodus 8:1-21:21
Matthew 19:13-23:39
Psalm 24:1-28:9
Proverbs 6:1-7:5
Discussion Questions:
Old Testament
- During the famine in Egypt, Joseph, on behalf of Pharaoh, obtained all of the people’s money, livestock and land. Why didn’t the people plan ahead and set aside grain for the famine, as Pharaoh did? Genesis 47:13-26.
- In modern times, if a business raises prices dramatically during a time of crisis, it is called “price gouging,” and is considered a crime? Was is wrong for Joseph and Pharaoh to take advantage of the Egyptians to get all of their money, cattle, and land? Genesis 47:13-26.
- Why were Joseph’s brothers afraid when their father died? Were their fears justified? Why did Joseph let his brother’s off so lightly, after they’d sold him into slavery? Genesis 50:15-21.
- Why did Pharaoh want to kill the Hebrews’ baby boys, but not the baby girls? Exodus 1:13-22.
New Testament
- Why did Herod think that Jesus was John the Baptist, risen from the dead? Matthew 14:1-12.
- Matthew 14:23 contains one of several accounts of Jesus going to a place to pray alone. Should we consider this as an instruction to believers to pray in solitude? Matthew 14:16-23.
- Why was Peter able to walk on water? Why did he start to sink? What does this tell you about your faith? Matthew 14:24-33.
- What did Jesus Mean when he said, “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never get into the kingdom of heaven”? Matthew 18:3
COMMENT: This Bible Study is open to all Christian men who want to read the whole Bible in one year. No registration, and no cost. Coffee and donuts.