MOVIE REVIEW: Flight of the Living Dead (2007)

The movie reviewed here is definately NOT for children, and probably not for most other people either.

  • GENRE: Zombie Horror
  • ACTORS: David Chisum, Sarah Laine, Richard Tyson, Erick Avari, Derek Webster, Kristen Kerr, Kevin J. O’Connor, Laura Cayouette, Dale Midkiff
  • Flight of the Living Dead

  • RATING: NR (but I would guess it would be an “R” or higher if it had been rated)
  • PARENTAL NOTE: Not intended for children. Bad language and questionable situations. Violence. Zombie mayhem and gore.
  • INTENDED AUDIENCE: This movie is intended for fans of the genre, and may not be appreciated by others.
  • GENERAL PLOT: (No spoilers) Zombies get loose on a plane, and things go from bad to worse.
  • REVIEW: This is not your typical zombie B-Movie. I don’t know the budget, but this flick has the look and feel of a major motion picture. This movie is basically snakes on a plane–but substitute zombies for snakes. Major zombie mayhem and gore. The acting is OK, but not much is required (say a few words, scream, get bit by a zombie, turn into a zombie, and bite someone else). The zombies look good. Good action. The plot is original, though not much is required in a zombie movie. Sure, you have to ignore some plot devices that cross the line into just plain asinine–exploding devices on board an airplane, and the whole ending of the movie, for example. Still, I’ve seen lots of zombie movies–the good, the bad, and the awful. Flight of the Living Dead is definitely one of the best the genre has to offer
  • RECOMMENDATION:1 This is a zombie horror movie. Many people will be highly offended by every movie in this genre because of the graphic violence, gore, language and other questionable elements. However, if you are a fan of this genre–this movie is highly recommended!
  • RATING (out of 5 stars):
  1. If you wonder why zombie themes and horror films have space on a Christian website like K_Line Christian Online, please see my blog post on point

2 Replies to “MOVIE REVIEW: Flight of the Living Dead (2007)”

  1. HOW gory is it? I’m looking for some scary/thrilling yet “redeemable” zombie movies (i.e. I Am Legend, NOTLD, etc). PG-13 (or R-light) are preferable. I highly value psychological horror but completely abhor gore-fests. So, are there any zombie-esque movies out there that don’t include zombies feasting on people? I’ve always wanted to check out 28 Days Later but all the descriptions include tons of disturbing graphic violence.

    I’m just looking for something thought provoking as opposed to something exploitative.

    Any help you can throw my way would be greatly appreciated,


  2. Watching zombie movies, like reading the Bible, is really not for the faint of heart. Personally, I believe there are many movies in the horror and/or zombie genre, that are “redeemable.” That is, there is a positive underlying message. Some refer to God, directly or indirectly. That being said, zombie movies are not for everyone. For example, they are not for children. And keep in mind that most every zombie movie contains these elements:

    1. Excessive, over the top, gore
    2. Lots and lots of cursing
    3. nudity

    You may consider these elements in your definition of “exploitive.” If these elements disqualify a movie for your viewing, then my advice is to stick with another genre.

    As far as recommendations (Not in any particular order): Night of the Living Dead, Day of the Dead, Dawn of the Dead (original, 1978), Dawn of the Dead (2004), 28 Days Later, 28 Weeks Later. Oh, there are so many. These are a few good ones that come to mind.

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