Most everything you might want or need to know about the Moon.
- TITLE: The Book of the Moon
- AUTHOR: Maggie Aderin-Pocock
- YEAR: 2019
- PAGES: 240
- GENRE: Non-fiction
- INTENDED AUDIENCE: Everyone interested in the Moon.
- MAIN POINTS (If non-fiction): This book covers the basics of the Earth’s one and only Moon–where it (possibly) came from, what it is, how it works, and the many ways in which it influences our lives. The book also includes a good deal of history of the way human beings have interacted with the moon, in science and literature. Hard to put the book down, once you get started.
- REVIEW: I was interested in this topic because my grandmother used to show us the moon phases on our calendar, after which we’d take a look at the night sky. When my grandma was young, in the late 19th Century, a moon lit sky had more significance than today, when artificial lighting means every night can be illuminated. The author, is “an honorary research associate in University College London’s Department of Physics and Astronomy.” She explains the topic in a clear, logical, and interesting way.
- RECOMMENDATION: Highly recommended.
- RATING (out of 5 stars):